Prostatitis is characterized by a complex inflammatory process in the prostate gland. The risk group consists of men aged 40 and over leading a sedentary lifestyle. The first signs in the acute form appear with purulent discharge in the urine, severe pain syndrome and fever up to 40 degrees. Chronic prostatitis is no less dangerous than acute, but has a more hidden picture of development. Its danger lies in irreversible disorders associated with the activity of sexual function.
Characteristics of prostatitis
Signs of prostatitis begin to bother men as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, hypothermia, as a result of malnutrition.
The course of the disease can be characterized by one of two forms:
- Acute prostatitis- determined by purulent discharge in the urine. Specific causes are related to the pathogenic microflora. Antibiotic treatment is ineffective.
- Chronic- develops as a result of improper or ineffective treatment. The symptoms are not as pronounced as in the acute course.
During the period of remission, the symptoms of the pathology often disappear completely. Exacerbation of chronic prostatitis does not bother the patient as clearly as in the primary acute form. In most cases, the stagnant course of the disease is diagnosed as a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle against the background of chronic diseases due to low blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
The main signs of prostatitis are divided by doctors into three groups:
- defects in the urinary system, manifested by disorders of urine output;
- sexual disorders characteristic of enlarged prostate;
- development of nervous pathologies.
Inflammation of the prostate provokes a decrease in the production of a special secretion that supports the activity of sperm. As a rule, their resistance to adverse effects decreases and the chances of successful fertilization of a female egg are close to a minimum.
According to medical statistics, the disease affects not only the elderly, but also quite young men. The risk group consists of the stronger sex from the age of 40. Doctors focus on the fact that the main emphasis should be on preventing the development of pathologies in the pelvis and on preventive measures.
Symptomatic picture
The symptoms of prostatitis are mainly represented by the pain syndrome. Unpleasant sensations in acute inflammation can be characterized by a stabbing, cutting or painful nature. They cause reduced performance, sleep disturbance. Enlargement of the prostate gland in the early stages can be determined by pain in the pelvic area. In some patients it develops during urination and defecation. During erection and ejaculation, pain sensations increase.
As a result of mechanical impact on the walls of the urinary tract, pain is almost always associated with movement.
Problems with urine flow affect almost every patient and in any form. The following appears:
- false urge to urinate;
- feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
A person may need to urinate, and the flow is slow and intermittent. Acute inflammation causes frequent urge to urinate.
In addition to the listed symptoms of prostatitis in the acute development of the disease, the following occur:
- muscle and joint pain;
- increase in body temperature to 40 degrees;
- fever, chills;
- feeling of swelling in the groin area;
- discharge from the urethra;
- burning and cramps when passing urine;
- streaks of blood and pus in the urine.
Complications of the chronic course of prostatitis can be male infertility, scarring and narrowing of the urethral tissues, complex kidney damage, sepsis. The testicles, epididymis and seminal ducts become inflamed. The current course leads to heating of the prostate, which requires immediate surgery. Surgical treatment necessarily requires obstruction of the bladder, which is accompanied by acute urinary retention.
Provoking factors
The main causes of prostatitis can be summarized in the following list:
- Venereal infections. Trichomonas, mycoplasma, chlamydia, gonococcus, Escherichia coli, enterococci can provoke lesions of the urethra and prostate tissue.
- Sedentary and sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of stagnant and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
- Disorders of lymphatic circulation and blood circulation.
- Constant interruption or artificial enlargement of sexual intercourse, prolonged abstinence cause dysfunction of the prostate gland.
- Regular mental stress, excessive physical activity, stressful situations also affect men's health and cause the development of prostatitis.
- Hypothermia, frequent colds and, as a result, reduced immunity become causes of inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.
- Hormonal disorders.
It will not be possible to get rid of the pathological signs of acute or chronic prostatitis for a short period of time.
When choosing certain therapies, it is important to identify the type and form of the disease through diagnostic tests.

Antibiotics are indicated in the diagnosis of bacterial prostatitis. If the inflammatory process is not caused by an infection, there is no point in such therapy. The choice of a specific antibiotic is made by the attending physician after identifying the microorganism that provokes bacterial damage to the prostate gland.
In most cases, the medicine should be taken for at least 7 days. Alpha-blockers and antispasmodics help relieve the pain syndrome. Systematic use of this group of drugs helps to relax the muscles of the bladder and the prostate itself. This improves urine flow and reduces the overall clinical picture.
Intravenous fluids and diuretics are indicated for men with particularly severe pathology. This improves urine flow. In addition, this way you can stop the process of intoxication of the body.
Nonbacterial prostatitis is treated with antipyretic, analgesic, anticholinergic drugs. In case of constipation it is necessary to use laxatives and suppositories based on Vaseline oil.
Supportive care
The important stages of adjunctive therapy in drug treatment are:
- bed rest;
- complete rest;
- drink plenty of fluids, at least 2 liters a day;
- sitting warm baths.
In case of acute urinary retention, a temporary suprapubic fistula is prescribed. An alternative approach is regular catheterization of the bladder. Doctors prescribe such treatments only when drug therapy is ineffective. Patients should not forget about the contraindications for hypothermia of the body during treatment, cycling and prolonged sitting on hard surfaces.

From the first days of the diagnosis of the prostate, prostate massage is prescribed. This method helps to relieve the pressure of the enlarged gland on the urethra, thus improving urination and reducing tightness.
Adherence to a diet that excludes spicy and fatty foods, as well as alcoholic and carbonated beverages, allows you to normalize your overall well-being.
In cases where drug therapy has not had an effect in the treatment of prostatitis, surgery is required. In exceptional cases, when the flow is stagnant, the flow of urine is blocked. Surgical treatment is also indispensable here. Contraindication for surgery is the reproductive age of the patient. In young men, surgery can lead to infertility.
Transurethral resection of the prostate is a surgical excision of all inflamed tissue. Prostatectomy is performed to completely remove the prostate, adjacent tissues and seminal vesicles. The negative consequences of such an intervention are urinary incontinence and impotence. This type of medical care is necessary for the malignant nature of the pathology. It allows you to get rid of the problem of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland once and for all.
Prostatitis is considered a complex and insidious disease, with constant remissions in the chronic form. It is not always possible to cure completely, so eliminating the main symptoms is a task that every doctor strives to accomplish. How long it will take until their complete disappearance is impossible to determine exactly. In most situations, urologists make comforting predictions.
Alternative Therapy
In the treatment of the disease are used not only medical methods but also folk remedies.
Dead bee
Alcoholic tincture is prepared from 2 teaspoons of podmor and 200 ml of alcohol or vodka. It is taken 3 times a day on an empty stomach, 40-60 drops, depending on the patient's weight. Course therapy - 25 days. The composition of the bee worm contains unique components that have a therapeutic effect in problems with the male reproductive system.
Broth with the addition of 2 tsp honey, 1 tsp podmora for 1 cup of hot water cook on low heat for 10 minutes. The agent should then be insisted for about 3-4 hours. Use is shown in 2 tbsp. l. twice daily before meals. The optimal period of treatment with this agent is 1 month. Then you should take a break for 7-10 days and, if there is no improvement, resume therapy.
Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds should be ground in a coffee grinder before use. Take 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach every day. l. , wash with a glass of water diluted in it 2 tsp natural honey.
You can add fresh parsley juice to honey in a few drops.
The raw materials are mixed in equal proportions (10 g each):
- dried licorice roots;
- leaves of berries, chestnuts, knots and castor oil.
To enhance the effect, you can add 15 g of dandelion, oman and beans. It is necessary to prepare a fresh decoction of 1 tablespoon every day. l. mixed vegetable raw materials and 0, 5 liters of water. Boil for 10 minutes, then leave for another half hour. Drink 4 doses immediately before meals. The course is 30 days.
The manifestation of symptoms in the clinical picture of prostatitis contributes to the formation of inferiority complexes. This causes stressful situations and depressed moods in men. Many patients are characterized by irritability, prone to conflict. Aggressive behavior interferes with normal communication.
In most cases, you should seek the help of an experienced psychologist. After all, sexual disorders have a very negative effect not only on a man's mood, but also on his whole life. Therefore, psychological rehabilitation is no less important than drug therapy.
Doctors recommend avoiding hypothermia and excessive exercise. An effective way to prevent prostatitis is an active sex life with a regular partner. Prolonged abstinence, incomplete ejaculation are contraindicated. It is necessary to limit the use of alcoholic beverages from the age of 40 and to stop smoking. The main emphasis should be on moderate exercise and vitamin therapy.