The treatment of almost all diseases is accompanied by certain dietary restrictions. This is necessary to relieve the diseased organ or simply to alleviate the condition and release funds for treatment. The diet for different diseases is different, as it is related to the characteristics of the disease. Prostatitis is no exception and also requires certain dietary restrictions.
Is a diet necessary for prostatitis?
The prostate is an endocrine gland located below the bladder. A fragment of the urethra passes through it, into which the excretory channels of the organ open. The prostate produces a secretion that is released during ejaculation. The latter contains enzymes, vitamins, immunoglobulins. Its task is to liquefy the ejaculate and create a suitable environment for preserving the vital activity of the sperm.
Prostatitis – inflammation of the prostate gland leads to a number of problems:
- the inflamed organ increases in size and puts pressure on the urethra, which leads to difficulty urinating;
- for the same reason, the work of the intestines becomes difficult, which leads to constipation;
- with acute inflammation, the prostate is extremely painful and causes severe discomfort;
- with an infectious form, the organ becomes a focus for the spread of the disease and leads to general intoxication of the body;
- the organ, which increases in size, exerts pressure on blood vessels and impedes lymphatic drainage, which contributes to blood stagnation. And this not only significantly aggravates the problem, but also causes other disturbances in the functioning of the pelvic organs;
- the prostate stops producing secretions in the required volume and quality. Accordingly, spermatozoa in an unsuitable environment quickly die and the man loses his ability to fertilize;
- inflammation makes it difficult to release secretions, so the process of ejaculation itself becomes almost impossible and leads to impotence.
There are several different forms of prostatitis: acute, chronic, infectious, congestive, their symptoms are quite different. In any case, however, the disease must be treated with the help of modern drugs and in no case should it be neglected. The doctor will determine which diet will be most effective for one form or another.
Also, following a diet is proven to be beneficial, and here's why. Any inflamed tissue is sensitive to the factors that act on it.
So food has a direct effect on the stomach, as some of its components strongly irritate the mucosa, while others do not. And urine has a huge impact on the condition of the bladder: its functionality depends on its composition.
The prostate is affected by the composition of the blood, which is ultimately also determined by the food consumed and the way the food is digested. This refers to the proximity of the intestine: if the latter works with an additional load, the eaten food provokes constipation, then the already irritated organ will have an additional impact. And this worsens the condition of the organ and contributes to the development of pain.
A properly selected diet can minimize the impact on the prostate, which significantly speeds up and facilitates the treatment process.

Dietary goals
The purpose of the diet is to eliminate all possible factors leading to irritation of the organ in men. In fact, there are not so many restrictions, but they must be observed with all possible care.
- The main purpose of the diet is to reduce irritation. The latter is provided by the consumption of foods affecting the gastrointestinal tract - from the stomach to the intestines. The fact is that the organ is located in close proximity to the intestine, and when the latter is irritated and inflamed, it also becomes inflamed.
There are many reasons for poor gut health. For example, carbonated water, which irritates the mucous membranes of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, which accordingly leads to a negative effect on the prostate. Smoked, salty, spicy foods also strongly irritate the intestines. In addition, smoked and salted meat makes it difficult to work, which in itself leads to constipation.
- Blood composition - digested food eventually leads to a change in composition. And if there are irritating components in the blood, this has the most negative effect on the prostate. Example: the breakdown of aldehydes after drinking alcohol significantly worsens inflammation.
Normalization of blood flow - due to compression of the blood vessels, the process of blood supply to the organ is already disturbed. Blood stagnation significantly worsens the patient's condition. A diet including easily digestible foods helps to normalize blood circulation.
- The composition of urine improves or worsens the condition of the prostate gland. The patient's daily diet should include at least 2 liters of pure water or weak tea. In this way, the concentration of salts in the urine is reduced. Accordingly, urine stops irritating the genitourinary organs.
This advice is perceived negatively by patients suffering from increased nocturnal diuresis. In this case, it is recommended to drink more fluids in the morning and limit them in the evening.
It is impossible to reduce the total volume of liquid: concentrated urine strongly irritates the prostate, which will lead to pain.
- Ensuring full nutrition - to restore the functioning of the organ, as well as the immune system, a sufficient amount of proteins and vitamins is necessary. The diet should be formulated to meet this need.
As a rule, for prostatitis, the doctor prescribes dietary table No. 5. It is designed to spare the liver, but it is suitable for almost all gastrointestinal and genitourinary diseases, in which the normal functioning of the biliary system of the body is important.

Basic Principles
The difference between the diet in chronic and acute prostatitis is due to the condition of the organ itself.
In case of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis and acute inflammation, the diet must be followed very strictly. Unrecommended products - alcohol, smoked meat, coffee, beans - should be completely excluded from the diet. Even a small part of them leads to a significant deterioration of the condition.
In chronic cases, the restrictions are not so strictly observed. For example, alcohol is allowed - 1-2 glasses of dry wine or 1 liter of beer, but no more. It is allowed to eat rich broth, drink coffee - no more than 1 cup per day, eat baked goods and spicy meat, but in small quantities. However, all these assumptions are possible only in the stage of remission. In case of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, it is necessary to return to the nutrition principles of table No. 5 and follow them strictly until the inflammation is cured.
The principles of diet in the treatment of prostatitis are as follows:
- sufficient protein and carbohydrate content. The norm for the former is 1. 5 g per 1 kg of body weight or at least 1 g per 1 kg of body weight. The amount of carbohydrates is calculated according to physical activity. It is important not to exceed this value, as excess glucose in the blood is an irritating factor;
- limited fat content, especially of animal origin. They complicate and slow down digestion, which is unacceptable in case of inflammation of the prostate;
- The method of cooking used is stewing, boiling in water and steaming. In this way, the maximum nutritional value of the product is preserved and the volume of fat is not exceeded. Frying flour and vegetables is strictly prohibited - this combination strongly irritates the intestines;
- Foods with a high purine or oxalic acid content are not allowed. The same restrictions apply to spicy foods and spices - garlic, onions;
- products that can cause fermentation and gas formation in the intestines are excluded - from beans and beans to carbonated water;
- it is necessary to limit the amount of salt - no more than 10 g, which includes not only the salt itself, but also its content in cooked products. It leads to fluid retention in the body, which in turn leads to a high concentration of salts in the urine, which is a strong irritant;
- Stimulants are prohibited - coffee, strong tea, cocoa and chocolate. During the period of remission, stimulants may be used in limited quantities;
- Be sure to take a large amount of liquid - water, decoction of rose hips and chamomile, juices diluted with water, very weak tea with lemon.
The body sometimes has great difficulties when switching to a new method of eating. The trial period is considered to be 5 days. If during this time adverse effects do not appear - indigestion, fermentation in the intestines, then the diet is followed until complete recovery or until remission occurs.
If negative effects appear, then it is necessary to review the menu: most likely, the diet contains some product to which there is an allergic reaction.
Sickness menu
The menu is as varied as possible, not forgetting that the diet should include proteins - up to 80 g, fats - 80-90 g, carbohydrates - up to 400 g, of which at least 40 g should be insoluble fiber.
The diet is designed for 2600–2800 kcal. If the patient is overweight, which worsens the prostatitis, then the total calorie intake is reduced due to less fat and carbohydrates. Here is a sample menu.
One day:
- Breakfast: steamed meatballs, buckwheat porridge or semolina, weak tea. During remission of chronic prostatitis, a cup of coffee is allowed.
- Second snack: dried fruit, apple or sweet fruit. Both fruits and berries are recommended only when very ripe and preferably roasted or in the form of purees and jellies. You can supplement your diet with banana.
In case of chronic prostatitis, watermelon is allowed - no more than 2 pieces per day, melon and pineapples, but only as part of salads. - Lunch: vegetable soup, lean meat roll, dried fruit compote. During remission, you can consume weak meat broths and soups based on them.
- Afternoon snack: decoction of rose hips, biscuits. Lokum and even blat are allowed, but only in chronic form and in small quantities.
- Dinner - vegetable cutlets, tea, biscuits.
Day 2:
- Breakfast: cottage cheese with a small amount of honey, oatmeal or buckwheat, prepared in a mixture of 50% water and 50% milk. During remission, porridge with milk is allowed.
- Second breakfast: baked apples, optionally with honey.
- Lunch: vegetable soup with vegetable oil, boiled chicken, rice. Dried fruit compote.
- Afternoon snack: decoction of rose hips and chamomile. If your condition is stable, you can eat fresh fruits or berries. You can also drink freshly squeezed juice. In case of exacerbation, the juice should be diluted with water.
- Dinner: boiled fish, mashed potatoes, tea.
It is highly recommended to drink a glass of kefir or yogurt at night.
Allowed and prohibited products
In each category of products for patients with prostatitis, there are permitted and prohibited:
Name | Allowed products | Prohibited products |
Drinks |
Soups |
mess |
pasta |
Fish meat |
Bread |
Fruits and berries |
eggs | Boiled eggs or in the form of an omelette, no more than 2 pcs. day | Dishes with fried eggs |
Butter |
Sauces and spices |
Sweetie |
Dairy products |
Vegetables |
The inclusion of prohibited products in the menu during remission or after recovery is carried out based on individual sensitivity and the intensity of the impact of this product. So, meat and fish broth, tomatoes and eggplant should be introduced first. And it is better to give up forever on carbonated drinks and smoked foods, especially sausages.
Nutrition after recovery
Recovery means no pain, normal prostate function, normal ejaculation, no difficulty urinating, and no secondary symptoms.
However, healing and especially going into remission does not mean that you can immediately return to your usual diet, especially if it is a return to eating harmful foods.
The diet changes gradually:
- Broths are introduced first, as they are easily digested.
- Add lean pork and beef, as well as oilier fish, especially salmon.
- The circle of permitted vegetables is expanding - eggplants, spinach, tomatoes. Fresh fruits and berries are also added, but only sweet.
- Among baked products, the most acceptable are biscuits with various additives.
- Legumes are also added - beans, peas, but very gradually. The same goes for mushrooms.
- The sauces are introduced one by one. However, you must give up mayonnaise forever.
- Alcohol is allowed in moderation - 2 glasses of wine, a glass of vodka per day.
- You can add different types of cheeses, including spicy ones.
- People start drinking coffee if they really can't stand the lack of it. No more than 1 cup of espresso per day is allowed.
- The situation with chocolate and cocoa is difficult. If it is difficult to give it up forever, then such products are added at the end and start with simple cocoa with milk.
- Carbonated drinks are prohibited with rare exceptions.
- Fried foods are introduced last and in limited quantities.
- The ban on smoked and salted fish and meat remains forever.
Depending on the patient's condition, it is possible to consume forbidden foods, but in very limited quantities. If the product causes intestinal irritation and provokes pain in the prostate, this product should be abandoned forever.
Diet is an excellent aid in the treatment of almost any disease of non-infectious origin. The food you eat determines the composition of your blood and urine and provides you with the vitamins and proteins you need. So a properly formulated diet can significantly speed up recovery.